View From The Third Eye

The Unseen Side!

Archive for the tag “Hope”

Life is Unfair Get Used To It…

Ray of HOPE

You eagerly wait for a new life. You are desperate to remember the person who you love the most. Life & death are two side of the same coin. You never know which on you get to see when!

We all take things for granted; we never want to run out of anything; whether it is phone’s battery, water, electricity or home. But, we easily run out of HOPE. The things which are not under our control, we try to control them to the core. But the most important thing HOPE, which is always under our control; we never even try to think of it.

Why do we lose hope? Do we all really lose it? Or do we just ignore it? Do we really know, what hope is! Do we even want to know? We say we don’t have any hope, then how are we still surviving?

We lose our best friend, teacher, school, our granny, grandpa; we lose everything in our life stage by stage. But we all still lead our life. Isn’t that a sign that we all have hope left in us for something better?! But we still say we don’t have any hope in life.

Don’t you think misery is that greatest sign that we still have hope left. If you are sad about something that means you still believe in something; and you hoped for something better. Isn’t that the major reason for your despair? I always wonder isn’t this hope so much harder then despair? That we just feel hope is no more left in us.  I really feel Hope is a good breakfast but a bad supper.

When a man is in despair, it means that he still believes in something. That in turn means that he still has a hope that things will change and turn out to be what he wants, Doesn’t he?


He was the only one left for me;

I thought I lost him forever & ever.


There came in a voice;

I am here, I am always in here.

Inside you, for you;

Till your last breath is here.



I moved on and on and on;

Thinking that, this is all I am left with,

Despair, Despair & Despair.

There came in a voice;


You are the only one who believes in me;

Don’t lose me now, later forever & ever.


He was the only one left for me;

I thought I lost him forever & ever.


By Akshatha

Make the way

Make the way

You can always make a way to your destiny through a smallest window called- Hope.

According to physicist Speed of light is exactly 299,792,458 metres per second.

But i put it this way-“Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always got there first, and is waiting for it.”

Well this is my living room; where the light enters faster around  299,792,458 metres per second speed and drives out the Darkness.

This beauty of Light travelling though my living room was taken in the early melancholic mornings. while sipping my early morning Coffey and planning my day. I could literary see the room transfer from darkness to light and Bright.

As There will always be a door to the light; There is always be a door to the Hopeful heart.

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